Factors Examined In A Network Security Audit

2008-01-02 11:45:52

( Business )

A network security audit, like software audit, evaluates the threats to your organization's network and assesses the level of protection given by your existing security system. A thorough network security audit initially identifies your perception of where your current practices are. The audit will then determine where you actually are, and finally will compare your current status with that of industry practices.

A wide-ranging network security audit will closely look at the following factors:


A network is deemed to fail if any one of its central components does not work properly. Thus, redundant communication lines and equipment should be installed to make networks robust.

Physical Security

In addition to securing the network against all possible attacks through the use of software and technology, network security audit also checks whether the physical security of the network is in place. It is important that your network devices as well as critical servers are locked in a room where access is limited only to authorized personnel.

Layered Defense

The first layer of defense of your network should be the use of firewall, which you must keep updated as new software releases appear. The second layer of defense is the installation of software that detects any intrusion which may attack or compromise the network. Both the firewall and the e-commerce systems must be installed with this software.

Remote Access

Remote access is another area that network security audit thoroughly examines. A virtual private network is often the preferred connection for remote access because it is more secure and cost-effective than a dial-up connection. It also allows field personnel and telecommuters to gain network access through a secure channel, ensuring full-protection for passwords and access permissions.

The results of network security audits must be delivered with a weighted risk-assessment, to enable management decisions that best manage the risks but do not waste money.

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