Acupuncture schools: narrowing your search

2008-01-15 10:59:20

( Education )

Acupuncture is a method of treating various illnesses that traces its origins to ancient China. It includes medical practices such as acupuncture and massage, as well as herbal medicine. With increasing awareness focused on non-traditional methods of healing, more and more people are turning to acupuncture as a way to treat common ailments.

Because of this, there are now a number of acupuncture schools dedicated to the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the incorporation of these practices into modern medical techniques. You can find listings of these schools in your local directory under acupuncture schools, acupuncture atlanta, acupuncture chicago, acupuncture orlando or acupuncture san francisco depending on your location.

Acupuncture school entails between three to five years of immersion into the age-old art of acupuncture, Chinese medicine and the study of the flow of vital energy or Qi. Selecting an acupuncture school is the first big step toward becoming a Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioner.

Choosing an acupuncture school.
When planning on which acupuncture school to go to, keep in mind the following:

1. Select an accredited acupuncture school. The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine upholds policies and values for most acupuncture schools. Acupuncture schools that are accredited provide the training needed for licensure in most states. Do some research on the list of accredited acupuncture schools in your local area.

2. Differentiate between the various acupuncture school training courses. Most acupuncture schools teach traditional Chinese medicine procedures. But there are schools which focus on Japanese, Korean or western acupuncture. Make sure your acupuncture school gives you the kind of acupuncture training you need. Look closely at the school program and decide whether their courses complement your goals.

3. Choose an acupuncture school that gives weight to clinical training. Hands-on clinical training will be a great booster to your acupuncture training. In some acupuncture schools, clinical training begins during the first term. Starting your acupuncture profession with broad, realistic experiences will greatly boost your confidence and further better your career opportunities.

4. Select an acupuncture school that specializes in acupuncture. Look for schools that specialize and not just register acupuncture as an item in a list. An acupuncture school devoted solely to acupuncture guarantees superior faculty and high quality programs of study.

5. Select an acupuncture school with a good certification exam passing rate. An acupuncture school with above average passing rate is indicative enough of the schools educational excellence.

Acupuncture school graduates who have passed the state license can expect to earn well. And because most acupuncturists are self-employed, their earnings significantly depend on their experience and location of practice.

Acupuncture has never waned in popularity, one reason why the employment opportunities for acupuncture school graduates continue to look bright.

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