More Freedom for Your Dog with Petsafe Pet Doors

2008-01-23 10:36:34

( Insurance )

Pets' Need for Movement

Your dog or cat needs the opportunity to move around freely in and out of your home. This provides it with adequate fresh air and exercise, most especially if you have a large backyard for it to run around.

Or you may have a pet that is already housebroken, so it needs to step outside to relieve itself. Being able to go outdoors will prevent it from messing up your home interior.

Problem with Regular Doors

Regular doors need to be opened physically by humans to enable an animal to either enter or exit a home. This is quite inconvenient for you, since you get interrupted from your nap or activity.

And while some kitchen doors may have a spring-back feature, your pet can easily go out by itself but not be able to reenter your home from outdoors. You will still need to open the door to let it in.

Some pet owners have tried installing a small door on the bottom part of their home doors. Usually, the pet door has hinged wooden flaps that swing back and forth to enable the pet to go through. However, these pet doors are not intruder-proof and are often used by criminals to gain entry. These pet doors also cause drafts to enter the home, thus causing discomfort.

Petsafe Pet Doors Solve the Problem

For 15 years now, Petsafe has been making and selling products for pet training and management. Petsafe products are of high quality materials and are safe for use.

Petsafe pet doors come in different sizes and styles depending on your needs. Each door can be sized to fit your pet.

There's the basic aluminum Petsafe dog door that can be installed on the lower part of your door. It has flexible weatherproof flaps that keep out the cold air and yet provide easy entry or exit for your pet. It also has a locking panel on the exterior side of the door to prevent unauthorized entry.

A more sophisticated version of Petsafe pet doors will automatically block access to anyone but your pet. This is possible through a special electronic key that you can attach to your pet's collar. Sensors on the electronic pet door will detect the key tag and open to allow your pet to enter. Once your pet has gone through the opening, the electronic pet door will self-lock.

Petsafe also has panels designed for your sliding door made of shatter-resistant weather-resistant glass and aluminum. It has a latch lock to secure your home from intruders.

You can buy Petsafe pet doors directly through the Petsafe website, or through the nearest local authorized dealer.

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