Acid Reflux Asthma

2008-01-29 12:22:04

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Nature and Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory illness where the airways of your lungs are extra-sensitive to irritants and become inflamed and clogged. As a result, you will not be able to respirate properly.

During an asthma attack, your breath comes in spurts. You also experience coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and breathing in short spurts. You need to use a special inhalant or nebulizer to declog the airways and allow you to breath normally. Severe prolonged attacks can lead to loss of oxygen and death.

Medical experts believe that there is a close correlation between allergies and asthma, because sensitivity to allergens can cause your airways to shut down. Other possible causes of asthma are air pollutants such as cigarette smoke, cold temperature, and stress. Recent medical findings also point out acid reflux as another asthma trigger.

Connection Between Asthma and Acid Reflux

Normally, a layer of muscles called the lower esophageal sphincter or LES acts like a valve enabling food to pass from the esophagus to the stomach. where the food is then digested.

But in some people, the LES does not close properly, and stomach acids may find their way back to your esophagus. A condition called acid or gastroesophageal reflux occurs.

Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux, but there are also other more severe symptoms such as bleeding or choking.

Acid reflux affects 20-30 percent of the population, but it was also observed that it affects about 70% of asthmatics. While the exact cause is not known, some experts believe that asthma attacks may have also resulted in pressure on the chest that may allow the LES to relax and thus trigger acid reflux. Stomach acids may also irritate the lungs and further aggravate asthma.

Studies and Treatment of Acid Reflux Asthma

Studies are still underway regarding the correlation of the two conditions. If such a correlation exists, then there's a need to address the acid reflux condition as well as treat the asthma attack. It may even mean that there is a need to develop new prescription medicine made to treat acid reflux asthma in particular.

Various experiments have been carried out by several medical groups for patients suspected of having acid reflux asthma. These clinical studies are still ongoing.

You can learn more about these studies on acid reflux asthma at various sites that feature clinical trials and medical journals.

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