Online Charity Auctions

2008-02-05 12:02:06

( Business )

What are Online Charity Auctions?

You bid on items that are offered through online charity auction sites, just by clicking on the BID button under the item's description. Other bidders will also submit their own amounts until the bidding period closes. Then whoever bids the highest amount will receive the item. People from any part of the world get an equal chance to participate in online charity auctions.

There are some items that have the button CLOSING, which means that

You are allowed to bid on as many items as you wish. An entire bidding period can take weeks or months depending on the popularity of the item. You can pay for your online bids through various means, such as cash, check, or credit card.
Upon receipt of your online

All the funds that have been generated and collected as online bids are then donated to the charities.

Benefits to Participating Bidders

The items being auctioned by online auctions sites are usually quite unique and cost a lot of money. They range from antiques, collector's items, and one-of-a-kind souvenirs to dates with celebrities or unique tour itineraries.

An average winning bid would be over anywhere from a few hundred dollars or more. However, if you have the extra bucks, you stand to gain a potentially valuable item whose value may possibly increase exponentially in the long run.

Some online charity auctions sites also offer once-in-a-lifetime experiences that you could never hope to acquire any other way, unless you are quite wealthy or famous yourself.

Organizing Your Own Online Charity Auctions

If you already have an existing website of your own, you can add an online auctions services feature. The buttons function similarly to that of a shopping catalog site.

The key to the success of your online charity auctions site is the variety and attractiveness of the items you present for bidding.

You need to solicit the items that you want through collectors and other owners. The owner of the item sets a beginning bid amount, which will be the amount he will receive after the closing of the auction. At other times, you may be lucky enough to find individuals who are willing to donate items for free.

The length of time for bidding on one particular item should depend on the item's popularity. So for as long as there are still a lot of online bids entering, you should maintain the item's biddable status. Close the bidding only if there have been no bids for some time, usually about two weeks after opening the item.

Establish connections with people who can be possible sources of biddable items. Also be resourceful in contacting talent managers of celebrities who may be able to tip you off on their clients' activities, such as concerts, golf tournaments and social functions. These in turn can become biddable items.

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