Bipolar 1 Disorder

2008-02-06 11:28:55

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Common Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder affects emotions and moods. Patients experience extremely opposite mood swings, ranging from the manic or ecstatic state to the depressive and destructive state. Chemical imbalances in the brain may have caused this disorder.

There are several versions of bipolar disorder, depending on the intensity and frequency of either the manic or depressive state.

Bipolar 1 Disorder Signs and Symptoms

This is perhaps the most severe of all the bipolar disorder types. If you suffer from bipolar 1 disorder, you tend to have sudden bursts of energy and an extremely happy mood quite often. At this manic state, you are most productive in your work and deal most harmoniously with your loved ones and colleagues. You feel on top of the world and that nothing seems to bother you in any way.

However, you may also tend to overdo things at this point, such as buying gifts or doing many unnecessary favors for others to show that you are in an ecstatic mood. Once the manic state wears away, or when you don't feel appreciated by others for your actions, your moods will take a 360-degree turn for the worst.

You may then shift to the depressive state, where you feel that everyone and everything is against you. You feel overly sensitive about what others say and do to you, and you react violently by either hurting yourself and others physically or by damaging things.

And unlike mentally healthy people, you are unable to cope with the depressive state. You may even try to take drugs or attempt suicide to end your misery.

Consequences of Bipolar 1 Disorder

People with bipolar 1 disorder also cause distress for the people they live and work with. Overly aggressive and destructive behavior may often lead to arrests and lawsuits, especially if a serious crime such as homicide has been committed by the patient.

Patients are often confined in mental institutions, and in some cases, in maximum security or solitary confinement cells.

Treating Bipolar 1 Disorder

Unfortunately, there is really no cure for bipolar 1 disorder. Instead, psychiatrists recommend therapeutic drugs such as anti-depressants to help combat the symptoms of manic-depressive states.

You also need to see your therapist regularly and to train yourself as well as your loved ones in how to cope in case of any manic-depressive attacks. You should also research for information on bipolar disorders to gain better understanding of your condition, as well as prevent any actions that may cause dire consequences.

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