engine optimization seo : Tips

2008-03-25 16:04:29

( Web Hosting-SEO-Web Design )

Are you interested in engine optimization seo or search engine optimization software? There are a few things you can do to improve the ranking or your website for optimization engine.

Engine optimization can be difficult – but also a lot easier than you imagine – whether you hire a seo firm or do in-house seo for engine optimization seo – these little tips will help you get best value for your efforts and money.

Without a plan you will definitely fail – without even knowing it because you didn’t know what you wanted to achieve in the first place! The first step in your engine optimization seo efforts? Make a keyword list. What do people who are looking for your product or service type into search engines. You can make some wild guesses or you can use an online tool. Just type in some appropriate keywords. The result? A list of keywords, which tell you how often the keyword was searched recently. It’s a really helpful tool because you get access to keywords and combinations you might not have come up with on your own.

This keyword inventory tool helps you establish priorities. It’s impossible to rank #1 for every keyword. You need to focus on the most important keywords. If your website is commercial – the keywords which bring in the most money. This is a tough decision – don’t expect to perfect this skill immediately. The more information you get out of your seo efforts your priorities change over time. The most searched keyword doesn’t necessarily bring in the most business. A keyword that is searched less may bring in more business because it has more relevancy to your business. Next? Pick about 25 keywords out of a comprehensive list – those not only that will attract the most traffic – but also those that attract the right kind of traffic. Then pick five that are critical keywords. Finally choose the most important keyword. Your secondary pages don’t have to focus on the main or even top five keywords – however the site as a whole and the homepage definitely will have to.
Keep these priorities in mind as you progress.

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