Office Temporary Jobs

2008-04-07 12:35:43

( Real Estate )

Office Temporary Worker - Today's Employment Trend

Vacancies for the most desirable jobs are getting more and more scarce. A major reason for work scarcity is that many companies have chosen to outsource most of their functions, or have automated most of their systems. Because of this trend, some employment agencies have realized that there is a business opportunity in providing a steady supply of temporary office work staff on an as-needed basis.

As an office temp, you expect to serve a firm for only a short period of time, usually from a few months to a year. More than likely, you are filling in a temporary vacancy due to an employee who has filed for maternity or vacation leave. When that employee's leave is over, so is your temporary office work contract with that company.

Advantages of Office Temp Jobs

If you're not too worried about work stability and income, you may like going into office temporary jobs. Instead of being stuck in a job that you don't really like, you can get to do the right type of work when you work as an office temp. This is because the employment agency needs to match the skills or job requirements of the temporary vacancy exactly with that of the office temp applicant.

Office temporary jobs are also ideal for retirees who want to augment their retirement income for luxuries, education of their children, or other reasons. There's no feeling of pressure from career advancement anymore, since you're already retired. Yet you feel independent and useful because you continue to earn income as an office temp.

People with transient lifestyles, such as those whose spouses are in the armed forces, can also benefit from the no-commitment nature of office temp jobs.

Where to Find Office Temporary Jobs

You can easily locate agencies that recruit and place people on office temp jobs in the local yellow pages or via the internet. You need to submit a soft copy of your resume and in some cases, an identification document. Just like a regular employment application, you will be asked to come for an interview. If there is any vacancy that might match your qualifications, you will be given an offer to fill in that vacancy.

Application to office temporary jobs is free to you, and you also have the right to reject any offer. However, if you have accepted an offer, you should fulfill the terms of the temporary office work contract.

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