Know the Different Symptoms of Asthma

2008-04-08 09:59:27

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Asthma is a chronic lung disease in which the airways of breathing are blocked. It is a chronic disease that has no cure, but preventive measures can be practiced to maintain an active lifestyle. There are two types of asthma; allergic and non-allergic. Allergic asthma is more common than non-allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is brought on by exposure or inhalation of allergens. Non-allergic asthma is triggered by stress, exercise, smoke, and airway infections.

During an asthma attack, symptoms worsen than usual. What happens to the patient’s system during an asthma attack is that their lungs tend to swell therefore narrowing the passage of air. Mucous is also produced in larger than normal amounts which clog the airways even more. The following symptoms of asthma may differ in severity and frequency: breathing difficulty, chest tightness, coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing and shortness of breath.

Allergies can also trigger an asthma attack. Symptoms of asthma occur when the patient is exposed to allergens. Sudden changes in weather can also be responsible to the onset of asthma. Patients who exercise beyond their capacity and exercising in cold air can also trigger asthma symptoms. Asthmatic people with poor diets tend to be more prone to heart problems and stroke.

Avoiding the causes of asthma is one of the best ways to prevent asthma symptoms. The patient must be made aware of the causes of his asthma to be able to protect himself from these attacks. During asthma attack where the patient experiences the symptoms of asthma, a nebulizer can be used to help the patient breathe. A nebulizer is a machine that holds the medication in liquid form and transforms it into gas. It is then inhaled through a mask attached to the nebulizer. Another way of quick relief is through an inhaler. When the patient is experiencing difficulty in breathing, he must use his inhaler to help him breathe easily.

Recent research has shown that women tend to be more prone to adult-onset asthma. Most medical specialists allege that allergies and asthma goes hand in hand in developing its onset. When exposed to allergens, patients experience the symptoms of asthma.

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