Help From new jersey divorce lawyers

2008-04-18 13:52:04

( Legal )

Are you looking for attorneys in new jersey. Maybe you don’t need an attorney for malpractice new jersey but maybe a new jersey divorce lawyers.

A divorce is very stressful and results in other major life changes. There is a firm of new jersey divorce lawyers who dedicate themselves exclusively to helping you if you are going through a divorce or other matrimonial problems.

Their priority? To provide you with competent legal counsel that is both compassionate and understanding.

These new jersey divorce lawyers together have over a century of combined experience in the area of matrimonial law and divorce. They have a thorough understanding of case law and legislation as it continuously evolves and impacts the divorce process. Not only will they be your advocate and advisor in legal matters, they understand the pressure you are under and will deal with your personal concerns.

They understand that you benefit from their commitment to enhancing their professional development and are thus involved in many substantive professional organizations.

What is collaborative law and how can it help you?

This process involves many four way meetings client and attorney to try and find solutions to problems both parties might have. However, before deciding on this option you need to meet with your attorney to focus on your interests and objectives and decide whether collaborative law is right for you. The attorney will explain to you that the law is in fact a guide, but that you have the liberty to fashion your own deal – within limitations. Your attorney must give you clear, impartial information about the process as well as explain alternatives before you sign the document to proceed.

Your attorney should explain clearly to you that choosing this legal process means that both people participate – making a full and honest disclosure of any information that might be relevant. This happens instead of a formal process of discovery. The result? A more conducive settlement environment. And how are you protected? Both people sign a confidentiality agreement- the information you disclose during these negotiation cannot be used in court should the negotiation close down.

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