Overview of Kidney Illnesses

2008-04-23 16:20:49

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Functions of Healthy Kidneys

Your kidneys are a pair of internal organs that function like filters to remove water and waste material from your blood after digestion. Your kidneys send the excess waste fluids to your bladder where it is excreted as urine.

Aside from being waste processors, your kidneys also do the important role of balancing the nutrients inside your body so that these will be absorbed and used properly. Kidneys also help in producing vitamin D for your bones, and red blood cells.

There are basically two major categories of kidney illness - congenital and acquired. Congenital kidney illness is acquired at birth from your parents' genes. Acquired kidney illnesses usually originate from diseases or conditions in other parts of the body, or as long-term effects of bad habits.

Congenital Kidney Illnesses

One common kidney illness under the congenital category involve the malfunction or disability of your kidneys to transport urine and waste materials properly to your excretory system. Your body retains the fluids, which eventually affect other organs of your body and cause other complications like dizziness and swelling in your limbs. A severe and often fatal form is lupus nephritis where your own body is allergic and adversely affected by the presence of harmful waste liquids.

Another congenital form of kidney illness is renal dysplasia where your kidneys are underdeveloped and hence cannot function as they should. Again, this condition can cause complications because your kidneys are unable to function the way they should.

Acquired Kidney Illnesses

Cysts may form in your kidneys for no reason. These may be harmless at this point, but may progress into chronic kidney failure or cancer.

Kidney stones are also apt to form in your kidneys, and may get bigger as urine passes through them. Small stone rarely cause problems, but bigger ones can cause severe pain.

Acute kidney failure may result from toxic agents, reactions to drugs or infections. In this severe case, your kidneys can no longer transport waste fluids into your bladder, and the fluid stays in your blood. This can lead to heart attacks or blood poisoning.

Impact from sharp blows to your abdominal area can cause damage to your kidneys, with symptoms like fever, pain, and occasional blood in the urine. Bad habits such as substance abuse or not drinking enough liquids can also damage your kidneys in the long run.

Treatment for Kidney Illnesses

Like any other form of critical illness, kidney diseases need urgent medical treatment. Treatment generally depends on the severity of the damage to the kidneys. If damage is very slight, you will be asked to rest and to take medication. Slightly damaged kidneys heal fast within a few days.

More severe types of kidney illness may need dialysis, which artificially removes fluids from your blood.

Kidney transplant may be the ultimate solution in case one or both of your kidneys have failed to function.

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