Attorneys connecticut : Bar Association

2008-05-16 12:15:41

( Legal )

Are you looking for a connecticut lawyer or connectcut lawyers. For attorneys connecticut go to the bar association in connecticut. It is a non-profit organization pre-eminent for the legal profession and lawyers. It has thousands of members, most of whom are attorneys connecticut who are dedicated to your service and to advancing law and justice.

It is an old bar association for attorneys connecticut – founded in 1875. Three years later they held a convention which has had as a direct result the creation of a nationwide bar association.

What have they achieved?
- they have developed and improved court rules
- administered justice
- provided networking opportunities for attorneys connecticut and other members.

And their future plans?

They have a lot of programs which will give members resources and benefits as well as better the practice of law.

What do these programs include?
- a continuing legal education program
- an official journal
- a magazine
- a council of bar presidents
- as well as substantive law committees and sections.

On their 100th anniversary they created a logo which represented “equal justice through law”. At that time their membership was only several thousand.

In 1987 they hired a full-time lobbyist and by 2001 their legislative department consisted of a legislative assistant and two full-time lobbyists.

Their aim? To encourage legislation which does not serve partisan interests and the discouragement of bad legislation.

In 2000 they created a bar institute and bought a law centre. This institute furnishes continuing legal education of a high quality, serves the public and publishes scholarly legal materials. It is through this arm that the bar pursues its charitable and educational work.

The law centre has the latest video and audio system. It also houses the administrative offices.

In 2003 at the annual meeting they revealed their new logo as well as a new website. The new logo portrays the association as being composed of attorneys connecticut who practice in a variety of areas and come from different backgrounds working together to improve the legal profession.

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