Alabama Community Colleges

2008-07-30 15:18:07

( Education )

Alabama community colleges form a system of college education meant for the citizens of Alabama. They provide quality education in various fields such as college degrees, technical or vocational degrees, and adult education.

The Alabama College System online has compiled a listing of the colleges and universities in Alabama. This listing is further categorized according to the type of college, whether they are a community college or a technical college.

Currently, there are twenty one Alabama community colleges with logged websites in the said college system. athletics: baseball, golf, softball, tennis, volleyball. financial aid institutional and sponsored schlarships

Most of the Alabama community colleges offer Associate's Degrees and Certificate Courses which vary from a year to les than a year. They also offer distance learning opportunities as well as night school. Alabama community colleges are public schools that offer academic programs and athletics training. College students have access to trainings in baseball, golf, softball, tennis, and volleyball. These 2-year college institutions also offer financial aid in the form of institutional and sponsored scholarships.

Among the degree programs and majors that Alabama community colleges offer are business management, marketing, computer and information technology, engineering technology, family care and support services, health sciences, liberal arts, humanities, and mechanics and repair technologies such as industrial electronics.

In Alabama, there are four listed technical colleges. These are H. Council Trenholm State Technical College in Montgomery, J.F. Drake State Technical College in Huntsville, Reid State Technical College in Evergreen, and J.F. Ingram State Technical College in Deatsville.

The Athens State University in Athens, Alabama is the only upper division college that is listed in the Alabama schools system.

Alabama Community Colleges also has a system for two-year colleges. They also listed the course directory online. Prospective students may choose from among the discipline and program titles that they have listed.

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