Adjustable Beds: Linen Chests

2008-08-12 10:53:48

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If you have a separate linen closet in your bedroom, then you may be wasting space that you can use for other pieces of furniture. You can have a television set, a side table, or an extra closet for your clothes. You can store your linens in a more convenient places, such as under your bed in custom-made linen chests.

Under Bed Storage Drawers

Furniture companies have been making under bed storage drawers for a long time. These drawers can be used to store books, so that wall space devoted to book shelves can be given to photographs or paintings instead. These drawers can also be used to store clothes, which can be advantageous for smaller bedrooms.

Another advantage that such drawers pose is that they can give the illusion of space: instead of crowding your room with separate linen chests, you can have your linens placed under your bed and leave your room looking more spacious and open. Moreover, because your linen chests are already under your bed, you can conveniently take out new linens to change the ones that you are using.

Linen Closets

You can also have separate linen closets or a linen shelf for your bedroom linens. However, if you have a lot of other furniture in your room, and if you are prone to stirring up a storm in your room and creating a mess, you may want a more secure place to protect your linens. This will keep them clean and free from dust.

These are only a few advantages of storing your linens in linen chests under your bed. For more information on how you can get custom-made linen chests for your bed, talk to your local furniture store. You can also go through furniture catalogs to see what linen storage models can fit your room's style, as well as your budget.

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