Sedation Dentists

2008-08-27 11:00:40

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Most people are afraid to go to the dentist even for the simplest procedures, because they are afraid of the pain they might suffer. While most dental treatments like root canals and cleaning involve only a small part of your body, the nerve endings of your teeth and gums are quite sensitive even to the slightest touch that you feel more pain.

Today's modern trends in medicine have come up with pain-free procedures like sedation dentistry to alleviate patients' phobia from real or imagined pain.

Dental sedation comes in different forms and degrees, but the common factor is that it gets the patient into a semi-conscious or sleep-like state. This relaxed state of the patient enables the dentist to perform lengthy and otherwise stressful procedures on the patient's dental area. After the procedure, the patient wakes up and will not remember the experience.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

The simplest is the oral sedation, where you take a pill the day before your dental visit. This pill will allow you to relax a bit before the procedure but you will still need an injection of local anesthesia to numb your tooth area.

Another type of sedation is to inhale nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas, to relieve you of anxiety. You also get a shot of local anesthetic on the dental area.

For complicated procedures such as oral surgery, you may want to opt for general anesthesia. This involves intravenous injection which will put you in a temporary sleep state, more commonly known as twilight sleep.

Who are Qualified for Dental Sedation?

Patients of most ages, even children, can undergo sedation dentistry. If you have had bad experiences with dentists that have traumatized you, you should consider sedation dentistry.

By looking into your medical history, sedation dentists can determine whether you qualify for this procedure.

What to Look for in Sedation Dentists

You can find many sedation dentists in most urban areas, but the problem is about choosing the right one.

You should check the reputation of the sedation dentists, such as their length of experience and their specializations in sedation. You can also get recommendations from trusted friends and relatives, or from your dental insurance provider.

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