Available Time Clock Systems

2008-09-09 15:38:56

( Computers )

In a perfect world, employees will honestly put in the time that their jobs require. This is not a perfect world, however, timekeeping systems ensure that employees work the time they are expected to. In the old days, bundy clocks and time cards are used. Even today, some companies still use bundy clocks and time cards.

Today, there are more advanced methods or timekeeping systems available to businesses. If you are a business owner, you might want to take advantage in the technological advances in time clock systems.

Biometric time systems use the unique traits of an individual like finger prints, voice, or iris to make sure the employee is present in the work area. Biometric time systems eliminate fraud in attendance as the employee must actually be there so he or she can log in. They cannot ask a co-employee or a friend to log in for them. These systems used to be expensive but are now becoming affordable even for the small business.

Biometric attendance systems also oftentimes use a personal identification number in conjunction with finger prints, iris scan or voice recognition. This systems are what you only see in movies before but are now widely used by many companies.

Another type of time clock systems if the used of magnetic cards that are either swiped or tapped against a sensor. These timekeeping systems eliminate the need for pen and paper recording but can also be subject to fraud. An employee could ask a co-employee to log in for him or her. They just need to leave their card with the friend and let the friend know their log in PIN.

Although less effective than biometric time systems, this type of time clock systems is still a step ahead of the traditional bundy clock and time punch card.

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