Web Hosting MySQL

2008-10-01 11:56:22

( Web Hosting-SEO-Web Design )

For internet marketers, capturing email addresses to build a list of willing email recipients is indeed very important. Having a list of the email addresses of interested leads will surely boost the sale of any internet marketer. However, most internet marketers are non-programmers. And server side scripting can be quite challenging for the beginner.

Server side scripting included the use of web hosting MySQL and PHP hosting. Any decent web hosting provider should have the these database options available. A good web hosting mysql will allow the internet marketer to build a database of all the emails they capture in their website.

Web hosting MySQL will let the internet market create automatic responders that also help them get more profit by saving time. They don't have to answer each customer one at time. Instead an automatic email response will be sent to the prospect when they register.

The next step would be to write a killer email responder copy. All the automation in the world won't bring in additional sales if the sales copy is poorly written. The technology is there. All you have to do is acquire the skills to use the technology.

Alternatively, if you don't want to go through the pains of learning a scripting language which would intimidate the average person, you can choose to purchase the service of email responder firms. They host your database and also provide the script you will use on your website.

It will be more safe if you host your database in your own hosting service provider than host it somewhere else. If you just take the time to learn how to do the server side scripting, you will save money and gain a valuable skill that you can use in the future. Paying your dues is part of success.

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