Migraine Headache Relief: Managing the Pain

2008-10-08 12:13:21

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

The pain of migraine occurs when excited brain cells trigger the trigeminal nerve to release chemicals that irritate and cause swelling of blood vessels on the surface of the brain. These swollen blood vessels send pain signals to the brainstem, an area of the brain that processes pain information. The pain of migraine is a referred pain that is typically felt around the eye or temple area. Pain can also occur in the face, sinus, jaw or neck area.

Migraine attacks can range from the very minor to the highly debilitating. If you have regular attacks, migraine can affect your work and social life because in some cases, you will be bedridden by the pain and nausea.

Many factors may contribute to the occurrence of migraine attacks. The following are just some of the things that are believed to cause migraine: bright lights, loud sounds, stress, nicotine and alcohol, caffeine, headaches, changes in sleeping patterns or lack of sleep.

Choosing a strategy to manage your migraine depends on the frequency and severity of your headaches, the degree of disability your headaches cause, and your other medical conditions. There is an entire range of treatments and medications that can bring some form of migraine headache relief. For migraine headache relief, you can choose from a number of homeopathic migraine treatments or the more common migraine drugs prescribed by doctors.

Since migraine cannot be stopped once it has started, the best that migraine headache relief can do is manage the headache and nausea from the migraine. Usually a migraine attack will soon end, and it is best to let the attack run its course. However, if the pain is too much of a hassle, then by all means, go and reach for that bottle of migraine relief.

Although medication is a proven way to treat and prevent migraines, it is also important to take good care of yourself. The same lifestyle choices that promote good health can reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. In fact, combining lifestyle measures with medication is often the most effective migraine headache relief.

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