Divorced Christian

2008-10-22 17:38:55

( Legal )

If you have recently divorced and you are a Christian, you must have some questions in your mind that you need answers. Can divorced Christians remarry? How soon is too soon? What would the brothers and sisters in the congregation say? How does God view divorce and remarriage?

First, we must understand that marriage is an arrangement to announce to the public that two individuals are deciding to live together as one. It is just to make it publicly known. A marriage is meant to last as long as both of the partners live but sadly, that doesn't always happen.

There are many reasons why couples decide to separate and there's no easy way to pinpoint those reasons. Christian couples may suddenly find that they no longer have the love they once felt for each other even if there's no third party involved. They may find that their relationship has become too ordinary and they have become over familiar with each other. This, however is not enough reason for Christian couples to divorce.

There are ways to avoid becoming divorced Christians if the only reason is that you have both become bored with each other. Usually, the problem is that one or maybe both of you viewed each other with a rosy filter before you were married. The means you saw each other's good side but overlooked the bad side.

Realizing that each of you make mistakes and far from perfect early on in the relationship will make you avoid unrealistic expectations. The Bible says that love covers a lot of things. This means that with love, you can learn to forgive the mistakes that your partner makes so you can avoid becoming divorced Christians.

The only exception is if one or both committed adultery. In this case, divorce with the provision to remarry is allowed in the bible.

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