Register Web Domain

2008-10-23 14:19:37

( Web Hosting-SEO-Web Design )

The domain name of your website can greatly affect your search engine ranking. That is why it is very important to get a domain name that contains the keywords that you are targeting. Search engines look at the domain name of a website first and give it greater importance.For easy recall, register web domains that are short and meaningful.

If you want a short domain name, chances are that name you want is already taken. If you really want that short web domain name, you have several options. You can use other top level domain names. If the .com, .org, or .net domain names are already taken, you can use .info and other top level domain names. Just remember that people are used to typing .com more than any of the other top level domains. However, if you really have good content, people will discover you sooner or later and you will surely get bookmarks and back links.

It is important to register web domains that the search engines will find easily as search engines get a clue of what your website is all about from the domain name. This is very important specially if you're just in the stage when you're building traffic. The search engine really won't discriminate between a .com, .net, .org or any top level domain names so if you're optimizing for the search engines, getting a .com is not really that important.

When you register web domain names, remember that you can also make them as your investment as good domain names often times increase in value. Domain name prospecting has become a real source of income for some savvy domain name buyers.

Others buy expired domain names that have existing back links and considerable traffic. This kind of domain names may cost more but you are almost sure to resell them for a good price.

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