Different Ways to Select Genders

2008-10-28 12:07:06

( Dating )

Folk Gender Selection Methods

In some traditions, it's what you eat or drink that will affect your chances of conceiving a boy or girl. You should eat plenty of salty food and meat if you want a boy, and plenty of sweets, fish and vegetables if you want a girl.

Some folks believe that the phases of the moon and the position you use during intercourse may also determine if you will have a boy or girl. Having sex on odd days or during a quarter moon phase may increase the chances of having a boy.

Of course, these methods are based on old wives' tales and have not been scientifically proven.

Chinese Gender Selection Chart

Many couples who have used this gender selection method attest to its credibility. This method involves using a two-dimensional matrix showing the age of of the mother on one axis, and the month of conception on the other.
The gender is shown right where the two axes meet.

The original Chinese gender selection chart was based on the lunar calendar, which may also vary each year. Since then, the chart has been translated to westernized versions that have adapted to the Julian calendar.

Regardless of which version you use, you should realize that the validity of the chart is yet to be proven.

Scientific Methods to Select Gender

Conceiving a boy or girl will absolutely depend on which sperm cell has joined with the woman's egg cell. Male sperm cells generally are more sensitive and and vulnerable to destruction under some conditions in the womb. These conditions vary depending on the mother's menstrual cycle. Conditions in the womb are more favorable for conceiving a boy on certain days of the cycle, particularly during the three-day ovulation period.

A fairly accurate method is to use a special thermometer which has special calibration to enable you to see marked differences in your basal body temperature between dates. Basal body temperature increases significantly during ovulation, which is the best period to conceive a boy. Basal body temperature also indicates what days you could get pregnant and is an excellent natural birth control method.

Gender Selection Kits

Gender selection kits are now available commercially, and come with instructions, diet plans and measurement tools. These kits have combined traditional, scientific and Chinese methods to select genders. They are not very expensive and most kits cost fifty dollars or less.

There are also many books available on how to select gender. But the most important thing is to consult your doctor before you choose any method or buy any kit.

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