Mental Illness Depression: Signs and Symptoms

2008-10-30 12:00:19

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Mental illness depression is a rarely understood mental ailment both by the medical community and society in general. The fact is that there are a lot of people suffering from signs of depression, such as bipolar illness, and if not properly treated can be a critical illness.

Mental illness depression is a real problem, which when left alone can take away an individual’s quality of life. The sense of sadness and loneliness one feels can push a person to take his own life.

It is normal for all of us to feel sad and alone at some point in our lives; this is perfectly normal and should not be seen as one of the signs of mental illness depression. The tragedy of mental illness depression is that while it is a manageable affliction, most suffer needlessly from it because they dismiss the depression signs as something that will eventually resolve by themselves.

They consider the signs of mental illness depression as normal consequences of existence, and by the time mental illness depression is suspected, this has already wreaked irreversible damage, both to the patient and his loved ones.

If you suspect a friend or a loved one has mental illness depression, do not be hasty in your judgment, but take careful note of the signs. The common symptoms of depression are the following: lingering feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, restless sleep, significant weight gain or loss, loss of interest in social activities, sense of isolation and guilt, fascination with death and suicide, highly temperamental, and physical manifestations such as an respiratory illness, upset stomach and headaches.

Mental illness depression may exhibit some or most of all these signs. Basically, any drastic deviation from the usual nature of an individual is already one of the signs of mental illness depression. However, you should approach your friend or relative with caution, lest he take offense in your attempts to help him. During this time, stay very close and provide as much emotional support as you can.

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