Kids Sports Illustrated

2008-11-27 11:46:55

( Entertainment )

With the advent of electronic gadgets like the television, mp3 players and other devices, reading and sports seem to be taking the backseat as a recreation of choice for today's kids. Video games seem to be preferred over real sports like basketball. Even though video games can improve a kid's mental processing skills, the real sport is still healthier.

Unlike video games, real sports can give your kids exercise. The only body parts exercised in playing video games are the thumb and the fingers. Often, kids who play long hours of video games end up having sore thumbs. Video games can be beneficial if done in moderate amounts. Enter Kids Sports Illustrated. It encourages kids to read and try out some sports.

Kids can get access to news, profiles of players; it gives advice to kids about how one can get the inspiration to pursue an active lifestyle. Kids Sports Illustrated has some good exercise tips to encourage kids to be more active. There are also suggestion on how to improve performance on a particular game. Sports Illustrated for kids is also attractively designed so the kids won't find it boring.

Kids Sports Illustrated can also be a compromise between kids and their parents. Some parents will suggest, quite strongly, to their children than they have to read. The problem is that kids won't read something that doesn't interest them. Kids Sports Illustrated tackles subjects that interest the youth. The articles are well written and engages the kids to read.

A magazine subscription to Kids Sports Illustrated can be the perfect gift for your kids if you are a parent. Not only will they appreciate it, you are also encouraging them to read. The best part is that they are going to love it. There are creative ways to get children to read and Sport Illustrated for kids is definitely one of them.

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