Bipolar Disorder Information

2008-11-28 11:22:00

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Here are some bipolar disorder information. Bipolar disorder is more commonly known are manic depression and is characterized as extreme changes in mood from mania to depression in a relatively short span of time. A person with manic depression can feel elated one moment and extremely depressed the next. The interval of the mood swing can vary greatly from hours, days, weeks or even months. By means of observation, the attacks of mania and depression can be predicted.

Mania is the state in which the patient feels elated or high for a continued period of one week or more. This is a state of sustained happiness. A variant of this mood is called hypomania. This mood is not as high as mania and last for not less than four days. Depression in manic depressive usually lasts for two weeks or more. During this stage, the patient feels a great deal of indifference. The fourth and last type of mood is the mixed episodes wherein the patient experiences extreme mood swings within the day. This lasts for at least a week or so.

Bipolar disorder information will be very useful in diagnosing the problem. This could help in the effective treatment of the ailment.

Bipolar 1 disorder is the more severe of the two types of bipolar disorders. This involves the manifestation of all the types of mood associated with manic depression. Bipolar 1 disorder can be so severe as to impede normal functioning.

Below is some bipolar disorder information about the other type of the disorder. Bipolar 2 disorder is the milder version of the ailment and patients can often function socially and lead normal lives. They experience mild depression and hypomanic episodes from time to time but these episode don't actually affect their work or social lives. Hypomania usually lasts for four days or more.

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