Los Angeles Domestic Violence

2008-12-03 15:36:46

( Legal )

It is a sad fact that Los Angeles domestic violence happens. And it really doesn't matter what social standing a family has, rich or poor, Los Angeles domestic violence happens. The good news is that when help is needed, help is available. If you are a victim of Los Angeles domestic violence, you can seek the help of a domestic violence attorney.

The problem with Los Angeles domestic violence is that not very many people are willing to admit it. They see it happen but choose to close their eyes and deny that it is happening. But it is very real and thousand of women and children suffer from domestic violence.

Again, Los Angeles domestic violence doesn't choose social standing or race and color. It happens to everyone. And people must open their eyes to this fact for this problem to be solved. Contrary to what most people believe, Los Angeles domestic violence occurs quote often across the social strata. Another surprising fact is that anybody can be a victim or an aggressor. It's not always the woman who's the victim of Los Angeles domestic violence.

Domestic violence can happen with or without alcohol or drug abuse. Sometimes, aggressors blame the use of drugs or alcohol for their behavior but studies prove that an aggressor would commit domestic violence whether under the influence of alcohol or drugs or not. Similarly, mental disorder is rarely the cause of domestic violence but it is often used as an excuse.

And it is not that easy for the abused to leave the abuser. There are many factors involved. If an abused partner does not leave an abusive partner, that does not mean that the violence is being tolerated. It's just fear that often prevents the abused individual to leave. It was also found out that it is very dangerous for a person to leave as this is the time when violence escalates and can get out of hand.

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