Used Computer Hardware

2008-12-03 16:09:47

( Computers )

Economies are built upon a consumerism. Most of the products that we have now are not built to last but built to be replaced soon. In theory, more spending means more wealth. But there are also prices to pay for the unabated consumerism. The environment is sacrificed and the world economy becomes stable. We become prisoners of our own creation as we rely heavily on consumerism which may not be a sound plan in the long run after all.

Spending indeed drives the economy. However, we also have to weigh how this affects our environment and the world in the long term. More sustainable means to make the world a better place for everyone must be pondered. And it will not be an easy task. You might think that an individual might not have enough power or clout to effect change but think again. By starting conserving in your own personal life, you can help start a new trend.

Lets look at used computer hardware for example. Tons and tons of used computer hardware are disposed of every year and add to the garbage pile already polluting the earth. Computer hardware sale is still brisk even with the much talked about global slow down of the economy. People are still buying computers.

The funny is that the old computers are still usable and can still do the tasks they are designed to do. Simply word processing and spreadsheet functions and light graphics manipulation jobs can still be handled by the relatively old computers. Although it is always tempting to get the latest and the sexiest, if you look at it at more practical perspective, you don't really have to buy new equipment to be productive.

Productivity is often used as an excuse to buy new computers even if the used computer hardware still functions pretty well.

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