Symptoms of Migraines: Identification

2008-12-18 11:15:38

( Pharmeceutical-Medical )

Aching head, nausea and body weakness heightened by bright light and noise is commonly called by every person as migraine attack. Migraine as have been collaboratively experience by men and woman describes as, migraine headache, nausea and altered bodily functions.

Causes of migraine vary from one person to another. Sudden changes of temperature such as walking in direct sunlight then entering a lobby of a hotel that is air-conditioned on some would cause headache and on the other would not. Shrimp sauté would be a lovable to eat on some but would develop an allergic reaction on others that might give them nausea and in turn headache. On some woman, monthly period is an unwanted stage because of the pain they have to suffer, while others just go by pleasantly. Stressful situations could handle by others perfectly, but it would cause others pains and alter cognitive functions. Improper use of eye glass would eventually lead to throbbing pain in the head and at times vomiting. Substance abuse such as alcohol, excessive caffeine, upon withdrawing or on the “hangover” stage will bring one to aches on the body. Introduction to several infectious diseases, such as cough and colds would eventually lead to headache, one of the several symptoms of migraines.

Based on the several causes, a person could feel several or most of the following symptoms of migraine. Emotional stress could cause someone altered mood, irritability, fatigue, depression and lack of sleep. While migraine cause physical problems such as eye problem might show symptoms of migraines such as blurred, shimmering or cloud vision, olfactory hallucinations, tingling or numbness and body weakness. Physical stress due to long hours of working, excessive workload and heavy loads that need physical manpower would lead to cognitive difficulty, mood changes, fell tired, nausea. Migraines cause by substances might lead to throbbing pain in the head, body weakness and all those associated to “hangover”.

Treatments, migraine pain relief include pain killers for head ache, anti- emetics or anti- vomiting for nausea. Prevention of these symptoms would include relaxation in form of massage, getting enough sleep, eating a right and balance diet might reduce migraines attack. While identification of the symptoms of migraines would give an individual preventive measure to prevent the re-occurrence of the attack, or to identify those that triggers migraine in an individual would help them to reduce attack. Identification of migraine triggers could be categorized as environmental, behavioral, infection, dietary, chemical or hormonal. Proper identification of the individual on the symptoms of migraine and its triggering factor would save one from much pain.

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