How to have an assured tenancy agreement?

2008-12-18 12:50:04

( Health )

Tenancy is a contract or lease entered by an individual and individual or individual and company. This is a form of consumer contract of voluntary agreement that have provisions and privileges for the both parties. It could be in verbal with witnesses or recorded in writing to set out the terms and provisions.

There are many tenancy agreement or contract and individual could enter, that could be on housing rentals, debt payments, insurances such as individual health insurance, different plans, burial, retirement, pensions, loans such car, housing, and even salary loans were just the few among the vast numbers of tenancy agreement one can enter. But the question if there is an assured tenancy agreement, one should be keen on this part of the contract.

To have an assured tenancy agreement, the following are the pointers needed to ask or verify before signing any papers to prevent occurrence of problems in the future. It is important that the tenancy agreement should not place the agreeing party and the company in any disadvantage position. One of this could be on health insurances that would pay only for a single method of cure example is surgical operation fro cancer and will not recognize other treatment of cancer aside from surgical operation such as chemo therapy.

Other considerations to have an assured tenancy agreement are the following. The agreeing party should not be irrevocably binds to terms which give no time for the agreeing party to become familiar. The rights that are place in the contract should be those that are stated in the law. The obligation of the both party should be clear. The amount of payment, the terms of payment and the length of payment should be clearly stipulated in the contract to have a clear and assured tenancy agreement. And when the agreed party signed each one should have their own copy as proof when times come that the contract will be needed.

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