Count Yourself in at Polling Registers

2008-12-29 10:40:33

( Business )

The Right to Vote

Each country has its own set of voting rights and policies. In the UK, you may be eligible to vote at different elections, depending on what you are voting for.

As a UK citizen, you are eligible to vote for local officials and for European Union matters, if you are over eighteen years of age and are living at a valid address. Even as a non-UK citizen, you are still allowed to vote in the country for EU-related matters as long as you are a citizen of any EU member country.

The Need to Register for Voting

Before you can actually vote, you need to register yourself at an electoral or polling register. You will also need to comply with certain criteria before you can register as a voter.

The two main points of qualification are age and residency. You must be eighteen years of age at least before the the scheduled polling date. You need to prove this with a birth certificate.

You must also be a resident of the state where you are registering as a voter, for at least anytime before the first of September of the year prior to your registration.

To register for voting, you may request for the form via online polling registers or by mail to your local electoral office. You will be asked to attach certain documents such as your birth certificate, and you can only register by mail or in person.

Before the actual election day, you can access the online polling register site to confirm your registration. You should also make sure that you have understood all the instructions, especially if you are voting by mail.

Arrangements for Special Cases

If you have been residing in the state before, but had to be abroad for any reason during the registration and election periods, you can still register as a postal voter. This voting privilege is also accorded to people with disabilities who cannot physically go to the polls to vote on election day, as well as to military personnel who are assigned abroad.

If you are confined in a hospital, nursing facility or institution, you can request to be included in a special voter's list, where a representative from the electoral office will bring the ballot to you personally. You can fill out the ballot and have it sent back through the representative.

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