Early Texas Settlers

2008-12-29 10:51:15

( Education )

Six Flags over Texas

You can see six different flags flying above the civic center building in Austin, Texas. The six flags symbolize the nations and governments that have presided over Texas from the sixteenth century until modern times.

When you research Texas flag history, you will also see major historic Texas milestones unfolding.

Early Texas Settlers and History

Earliest Texas settlers were the Indians who inhabited most of the land until the coming of the Spanish conquistadores who wanted to seek out gold. Spain then colonized the land for almost three hundred years, settling mostly in missions inside the state.

The Spanish occupation was briefly interrupted by the French colonizers from 1685-1691. However, La Salle and his men did not settle long in Fort St. Louis, due to heavy resistance from hostile Indians, calamities, and internal conflict.

Mexicans from the south under General Santa Anna penetrated Texas and became the ruling government. The general himself abandoned Mexican federal laws and declared himself the dictator of the new territory. But the Texans revolted under the leadership of Sam Houston and declared their independence from Mexico in 1836.

The new Republic of Texas was not without its own internal problems, either. At the verge of economic collapse, the new republic finally gave up its independence and joined the Union in 1945 and later, the Confederacy in 1861. As a Confederacy member, Texas joined but also lost the Civil War.

Ironically, the Civil War helped boost Texas economy, with the discovery of the value of the state's abundant supply of longhorn cattle as means of transport.

After the Civil War, the state reaffirmed its allegiance to the Union and became officially the country's twenty-eighth state.

Texas Settlers Today

As it had been in past centuries, today's Texas settlers prove that the state is a melting of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Newer settlers after the Civil War include former African-American slaves and their descendants, as well as folks from other states. The discovery of black gold or oil further sparked interest from people in other states to move into Texas.

Immigrants from Asia and South America have also arrived and settled mostly in the larger cities of San Antonio, Houston and Austin.

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